Günter Lüling

Günter Lüling: "Über den Urkoran : Ansätze zur Rekonstruktion der vorislamisch-christlichen Strophenlieder im Koran" ["About the Ur-Koran : Attempts to reconstruct the Pre-Islamic Christian Strophic Hymns in the Koran"] – 2. Auflage, 582 Seiten, Erlangen 1993 (ISBN 3-922317-17-0)
Günter Lüling, Über den Urkoran, Erlangen 1974, 1993

Zu beziehen von / To be ordered from: Verlagsbuchhandlung Hannelore Lüling, Erlangen

Fax: +49/(0)9131/37584

e-Mail: Verlag-H.Lueling@t-online.de

Inhaltsverzeichnis und Einleitung

Eine überarbeitete und erweiterte englische Fassung von Günter Lülings oben angeführtem "Über den Urkoran" ist / A revised and enriched English version of Lüling's above "Über den Urkoran" is:

Günter Lüling: "A Challenge to Islam for Reformation. The Rediscovery and Reliable Reconstruction of a Comprehensive Pre-Islamic Christian Hymnal hidden in the Koran under Earliest Islamic Reinterpretations", Delhi (Motilal Banarsidass Publishers) 2003

Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents

A tidbit is Günter Lülings discussion of the original meaning of "ar-rabbânîyûn" in the Koran on pp. 71-87 of this book or of jihâd and fî sabîli llâh.

Another important merit of Günter Lüling's is his elucidation of the fact - hidden by the widely fictitions later Islamic historiography - that the Meccan and Central Arabian adversaries of Muhammad, the so called mushrikûn, "associators" (i.e. those who "associate" other gods to God), were no vague "idolators" or "pagans", but actually (Trinitarian) Christians.

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